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Ode to the Orange Girl

by Trisha De Gracia

She is beautiful.

I doubt that there's another way to put that.
oh Wait, there is.

She is crude
she is delicate
she is humble

She is corrupt in many ways
and she is perfect
because she is she
and there's nothing less to her than what she's made herself.

She is afraid
trembling with it
She is a raging force you can't cope with
when it's turned against you.

She's an intricate web
She is deadly
flamboyant and unsure.

The girl is beautiful.
And She's the only one who really forgets.


Author's Note: This isn't really meant to be rated, nothing in this folder is, I guess. I like this, though. I tried to be honest, lol.

Posted on 10/26/2003
Copyright © 2024 Trisha De Gracia

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Barbara Griffith on 10/26/03 at 06:18 PM

Funny how she's one big contradiction, hey? I don't quite understand some of the parts. And maybe you capatalized some wrong pro-nouns?

Posted by Meghan Helmich on 08/14/08 at 04:38 PM

orange girl makes me think of tori amos. is this auto-biographical? :)

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