stand there and look pretty by Cymbre DolphayFrankly speaking, she's not your average bombshell
her eyes sparkle like firewood
tidal waves are caught in her tresses
and she manages to smirk sideways
unlike most mariachis
she thinks...and drinks
but never speaks smoke signals
with all the other guys
you can find her conversing
in midnight parking lots
with anyone named Jack
or a guy called Mr. Daniels,
who only drinks coke
while every other girl
is giggling seductively
she's telling your average
Ryan, Matt, and Cory
"I'd settle for marrying you,
but you're no Dodge Charger." 10/19/2003 Author's Note: Now this is some piece of work. It contains so many inside jokes that no one will get them all the first time around. But anyway, I like it.
Posted on 10/20/2003 Copyright © 2025 Cymbre Dolphay