I go, I go
Withery leaf and tufted twig-boats
to and fro they go
the river wafts and rafts flow
to and fro they ever go
And the river always laughs
flowing to and fro
Stripping arrowheads
from the beach they know
Broken tips, thudding boot trips, busted lips
as the River never slows
Always going, ever flowing
never knowing where it goes
Flint masterwork uncovered
soil and clay-quilt smothered
Broken sod underneath shows
Riverbed bone menagerie
under where the tree roots grow
each tree, silt-slimey standing
in rows and rows
When the rain bathes and swathes
the rivershore in new muddy clothes
Remember the feet that pressed the peat
and mud of long ago
To and fro, circadian
the river plashes and loes
each wave washing
the mussel shore as it goes
A grave-kissing water ribbon
snaking along the beechnut rows
where the deer dally and drink
and kiss the water with their nose