Onoma by Melina Raven Maness DieboldLittle one
what shall I name you?
After your aunt Sandy or Brenda?
Rena, Redonna or Rhonda?
Or maybe after your uncle?
Donaldette or Donaldina?
or even Donaldettina?
No, not those, something else...
How about a poet I adore?
Maybe Poe's Annabel
or maybe Poe's Lenore
And that seems a little cheesy
(since I am named after The Raven)
Maybe I'll name you
a name my granny was saving
for a baby she never got to bear
Sydelia Ann
that's a bit too "her's" for me to dare
Perhaps you can be after your dad
Joely, Joelina, or Joelle?
No, he's not too keen on them
and it'd be confusing as well.
I could name you Mary or Dorcas
or some other Bible dame
but what if you end up feeling pressured
to live up to their good name
I could give you something bland
something common like
Elizabeth, or maybe Anne
I could differentiate you
without something more unique
such as Ione or Maru?
Maybe a Simpson nod with Lisa?
A Verdi nod with Aida?
or even after the Tower of Pisa?
I could read thru my name book throng
peruse through and scour them all
From Lansky to Yonge!
But still it's no matter
since every new name
would be better than the latter
No nomen could possibly begin
to christen your giggles
or to title your grin
So now allow me to proclaim
That henceforth and forever-
______ _______ is your name!
10/16/2003 Author's Note: I'll add the name once she is conceived. I already know what I want but I don't want it being stolen. ;)
Posted on 10/16/2003 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold