The Gray Day by Deanna M Gritsonis
So the smoking I use to enjoy has become bad for me
The smell just a little to much
The taste it leaves
The friends I have are talking of the same old things
Un-open to new adventures
No wonder why I trip to get by
The internet sends me nothing but porn and pop-up adds
Emails for meetings, work, and reminders
A plasma screen that keeps me from reality
Getting high has lost the feeling
When can I float again
Listen to a great record under a red light
Where parties werent the same old people
The same old talks and drugs
Where I go to bed stoned drunk and alone
I cant look in the mirror and see anything new
Is it me or this world that is become the same old thing
When can I stop wishing for something new
10/09/2003 Author's Note: Not done.
Posted on 10/09/2003 Copyright © 2025 Deanna M Gritsonis