Where Did the God of the Puritans Go? by Amanda J CobbThe archangels had another spat
over why Peter should be the only one
to have the fun of being bouncer
at the gates of the Oyster Club,
while they were stuck with menial jobs
like 'messenger' and 'guardian'.
So they formed a workers union
and went to God's office to complain.
God wasn't at work, though.
He'd simply left, and taped
a hastily-scrawled note to his door
that said:
Buddha had another narcoleptic fit,
Allah stubbed his toe,
and Ishtar is on vacation with her latest lover,
so Mars, Equus, Hera, and Thor
needed another player for
the Intertheological Kickball Finals.
Be back in an eon or two. 09/25/2003 Author's Note: Inspired by my US Lit teacher asking the question in the title. The first thought that popped into my head was "Maybe he went to play kickball." Voila. Published in my college's literary magazine, Pulse.
Posted on 09/25/2003 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb