topic: beautiful mania (fragmented) by Rachelle Howethey're coming for me. i'm convinced.
and don't say that i'm disillusioned
or delusional or full of delirium.
i am all those things, but...
the hoof prints shatter my mind, and
i see rainbows the color of dusk.
he has eyes, eyes like prying worlds,
and i am succumbing to them.
he bears me down.
he breaks me.
and it's beautiful, so beautiful,
these things which Alice drank.
i'm taller. about three inches since
i took the elixir (like a shot glass, one, two, three...) and
i'm playing hopsotch with my
imaginary friends.
she's here, her holiness the raggy rarah,
with grins like light fixtures.
a haunted mirror wall.
it's saturday. i'm watching cartoons.
my pjs are three days old
(even though i just took them from the dryer.)
she's in the shower,
i hear her humming.
she hates it when i whistle.
i tell her to fuck off.
but it's beautiful, these rainbows,
these eyes, this mania.
so beautiful to be welcomed
in my own shell. 09/13/2003 Author's Note: can we say: give me a "C", give me a "R" give me an "A" give me a "Z"... give me a "Y"... what's that spell?!?
Posted on 09/14/2003 Copyright © 2025 Rachelle Howe