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by Trisha De Gracia

Crying helpless and heedless
into the crowded white all around me.
The mirror wont tell me funny tales
seeing as I can't smash the glass
and I won't weep infront of it.
The face staring back is staring daggers
from wet, red eyes with a furiful blaze,
a hopeless determination.

~And the white strikes forward...~

And to my horror
staring at my own reflection
wavering and shaking
too surreal and unimportant
1 six billionth of what matters to a few
it starts to break.

~A creeping inch to consume me...~

Thin, hairlike strands of crystalline truth
growing from one corner
down and to the curvature of my chin
then webbing, 3 razor sharp edges of glass
growing and twisting
multiplying like an angry Hydra
until my face is into 110 shining pieces
220 eyes overcome with rock solid despairation
overflowing with a need to break out.

~And now it's strangling...~

I cannot, will not weep
and laughing, Time resumes his standard pace.
Shards of my face hit the floor,
disintegrate into 1000 tear-washed bits.

~A white Snake slithers up.~
~Devours me.~


Posted on 09/12/2003
Copyright © 2024 Trisha De Gracia

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ashok Sharda on 09/14/03 at 04:52 AM

The conflict sounds deep rooted. The surrender can be treated as a strategic surrender, a preparation for yet another bout. Its easy to know and undertand when face to face. Subtle and poerful.

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