When, When will Israel pray
by Carl WalkerPharaoh's whips
brought Pharaoh's plagues
when Israel learned to pray
with walls of water
and columns of fire
the living God
brought freedom's desire
when Israel learned to pray
God wanted to bless
and their hearts put to rest
but blessing brought pride
and hearts turned aside
when Israel turned astray
the desire of their eyes
lead their hearts into lies
to worship trees, stones
and dead men's bones
when Israel turned astray
time after time
God said, "you are mine."
in sorrow He slew them
in tough love He drew them
it seems there is no other way
when men needs learn how to pray
with oppressors He chastened
until they would face Him
in sorrow for sin
confessing within
Israel learned to say.
"We and our fathers have done wrong
worshipping our desire to be strong."
"We worshipped our guns
and explosives by tons."
but these won't deliver
not tomorrow or today
until Israel learns to pray
the gods of the earth
bring violence with mirth
but cannot deliver
they are no peace giver
they harden hearts not to pray
they teach hearts in pride
in our own strength confide
then oppressors will come
and we become undone
with no where to turn but to pray
in sorrow He leads us
with weeping He feeds us
the prices we paid
for the choices we made
with no where to turn but to pray
how will we pray
what will we say
to the God who rules earth and heaven
I've only reaped strife
by demanding my life
deliver me of the weight
of harboring my hate
I must turn
I must turn
to a whole different way
give me a heart
help me make a new start
to do unto others
as though they're my brothers
I can't do it unless I can pray
I can't do it alone
my sin to atone
but a real God that lives
forgiveness He gives
if to Him you're giving your heart
all my powers and gold
can't make me whole
but when I give it all up
to drink from His cup
making love my device
looking to Him alone for life
that's when the broken and broken learn to pray
that will bring peace
and heart's rest release
when broken hearts learn to pray
what trouble must come
to make Israel undone
causing the broken and broken to pray
their enemies theyve punished
they smote them
they slew them
they turned them to ash
they fight them with actions
more brutal and rash
no matter how many they kill
peace eluding them still
when, when will Israel learn to pray
when, when will you learn to pray
with no place to turn but to pray
with no where to turn but to pray
when, when will the broken learn to pray
please pray for the peace of Israel