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When, When will Israel pray

by Carl Walker

Pharaoh's whips

brought Pharaoh's plagues

when Israel learned to pray

with walls of water

and columns of fire

the living God

brought freedom's desire

when Israel learned to pray

God wanted to bless

and their hearts put to rest

but blessing brought pride

and hearts turned aside

when Israel turned astray

the desire of their eyes

lead their hearts into lies

to worship trees, stones

and dead men's bones

when Israel turned astray

time after time

God said, "you are mine."

in sorrow He slew them

in tough love He drew them

it seems there is no other way

when men needs learn how to pray

with oppressors He chastened

until they would face Him

in sorrow for sin

confessing within

Israel learned to say.

"We and our fathers have done wrong

worshipping our desire to be strong."

"We worshipped our guns

and explosives by tons."

but these won't deliver

not tomorrow or today

until Israel learns to pray

the gods of the earth

bring violence with mirth

but cannot deliver

they are no peace giver

they harden hearts not to pray

they teach hearts in pride

in our own strength confide

then oppressors will come

and we become undone

with no where to turn but to pray

in sorrow He leads us

with weeping He feeds us

the prices we paid

for the choices we made

with no where to turn but to pray

how will we pray

what will we say

to the God who rules earth and heaven

I've only reaped strife

by demanding my life

deliver me of the weight

of harboring my hate

I must turn

I must turn

to a whole different way

give me a heart

help me make a new start

to do unto others

as though they're my brothers

I can't do it unless I can pray

I can't do it alone

my sin to atone

but a real God that lives

forgiveness He gives

if to Him you're giving your heart

all my powers and gold

can't make me whole

but when I give it all up

to drink from His cup

making love my device
looking to Him alone for life

that's when the broken and broken learn to pray

that will bring peace

and heart's rest release

when broken hearts learn to pray

what trouble must come

to make Israel undone

causing the broken and broken to pray

their enemies they’ve punished

they smote them

they slew them

they turned them to ash

they fight them with actions

more brutal and rash

no matter how many they kill

peace eluding them still

when, when will Israel learn to pray

when, when will you learn to pray

with no place to turn but to pray

with no where to turn but to pray

when, when will the broken learn to pray

please pray for the peace of Israel


Author's Note: I wept yesterday for the lives lost in Palestine. today 9/11/03 I'm weeping for the lives lost on Black Tuesday, Man wants to believe the gods of war can bring peace, but only God can.

Isn't it a mistake to think prayer is defined as me going to a Santa Claus god asking for what I want. And yet God is a doting Father who WANTS to bless us.

Prayer becomes effective when I go to God asking Him for what He wants. Asking Him to reveal and remove the barriers in my own heart to what He wants in me. God cares for you and wants to be real in your life.

Posted on 09/11/2003
Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 09/12/03 at 12:56 AM

Your poem is a message that goes to the heart of the matter. Israel will be set on by its enemies until it cries out to God, Our Lord Jesus Christ. I fear that will only be when He returns. You have a message of hope and deliverance to all readers as well. The killing in Palestine will stop when they stop murdering innocent men, women, and children in Israel. The Hemas and Hezbollah want Israel pushed into the sea. The violence will not end until the Palestinians rise up against the terrorist factions among their own people.

Posted by Adrian Calhoun on 09/12/03 at 12:11 PM

WOW, Carl, amazing writing here. Powerful words, words to heed, not just for Israel, but for all mankind. The real validation for your poetry....there is a huge political push to remove Israel from the Holy Mound, Solomon's Temple. It was masterminded by the vatican who quietly sits looking in as it persuades other nations to step up and fight the battle. Israel is about to face a long war against many foes, it is rapidly approaching. I pray for Israel with you. Excellent piece.

Posted by Susan Q Tomas on 09/15/03 at 01:37 AM

I especially liked the turning point in this one, "We and our fathers have done wrong when our hearts went along worshipping our desire to be strong". I also tell my children, "God is not a wishing well." We have to pray for God's will, whether we like it or not (God's will, that is).

Posted by Jean Mollett on 09/19/03 at 04:33 AM

Hi Carl, When, when will Israel Pray. It's very good Carl. It put it staright to the heart and minds, to wake people up. If some get offended, so be it. Some of the stuff I read about them saying things against reglion and faith. I don't like, but I don't go off the all about it. It's best to use the Im, if ya want to say anything to the person. Your poem is very good.

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