
kelly's perspective

by Lisa-Dawn Sparling

I heard her scream my name while she was in the shower….

“KELLY” she sobbed “it’s okay” I want to say to her… I’m here babe”

I look at the house we just bought

I see pictures of when we first met,

I see my work boots sitting at the front door

And my underwear folded neatly on the washing machine.

I can hear my new son crying, oh god I don’t even know if he’ll remember me.

Jacob is sitting and staring at the wall. It’s okay partner… daddy loves you.

I’m sorry lis but I’m okay. I’ll always be here pooker. I’ll always be here.

I wasn’t scared it happened so fast.. I knew you were there with me.

I could hear you asking the nurse why I was turning blue… I was already gone.

I came to see you that night and I know you could feel me.

I wrapped around you like a warm blanket so you could sleep before it hit you.

I’m sorry baby. I never meant to leave you like this.

I can hear you whisper I love you before you go to sleep everynight.. I know you love me.

I have always known you loved me. I only wished I told you one last time before I left.

I love you.


Author's Note: Please feel free to comment on this poem BUT PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT ON THE FORM. (spelling error's yes, structure no). This is one most emotional peoms I have ever written. I wrote it from what I think my husbands perspective might have been when he died. I wrote this through many tears. It started from a memory that surfaced. A few days after my husband died I was in the shower and felt so lost and I just screamed for him at the top of my lungs. the memory sent goosebumps down my spine and I wrote this. thanks for reading

Posted on 09/02/2003
Copyright © 2025 Lisa-Dawn Sparling

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