david & jonathan by Emily G MyersI think with him, it's become a reliance issue.
We've been friends for a while now
And I've grown to trust him implicitly.
In my mind, his opinion of me matters in a way that other's don't.
Not that others don't have an impact on me,
Because they do.
There is a sense of deja-vu about me right now,
Even as I write this.
I think I need an avatar to reveal our past lives.
(A thing I'm not too sure about anyway...)
But maybe we were David and Jonathan
Or two Chaldeans, ruled by those
i r r a t i o n a l
things refered to as numbers.
Or maybe it has nothing to do with the working idea I have of reincarnation.
We could just be two compatible people.
Or God decided, long before we were born,
That our spirits would be joined when we reached earth.
We might have been two space travelers
into what we would call the future
(but would really be the present)
who flew into a black hole together.
We're stuck here and will never return to
present because we don't realize who we are.
To explore all possibilities, just for exploration's sake, perhaps we aren't meant for each other.
Maybe 'we' and 'us' are temporary things.
Until we find our real David or Jonathan or Chaldean partner.
Or until we find the spirit God wants us to be with.
Or until we realize that we're not
space travelers.
I hope we never have to realize that.
10/11/1999 Author's Note: inspired by Linda Goodman. written for Simeon a very long time ago.
Posted on 09/02/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers