for sarah by Emily Sullivanlooking back
i see my friend
she brought me gifts
worth more than anything
i posess
she brought me the laughter
that was always lacking
when i was alone
she brought me the innocence
that i never had the chance
to know
she brought me her understanding
of things she never had to
experience herself
she always knew
what i was going through
i always knew she was a friend
but never quite realized
how she cared
until she brought me music
that was 'angry anymore'
that made me cry
from the joy of knowing
how it all was brought
from her heart
09/01/2003 Author's Note: this is about my best friend. the reference to "angry anymore" is a song by ani diranco, which sarah put on one of her many great cd's for me. the song meant a lot to me.
Posted on 09/01/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily Sullivan