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Prayer of Dedication

by Brian Francis

Father, let my service be
true to what you've planned.
And should I, being human fault,
please take me by the hand.

Guide me in your ministry,
and help me live your creed.
Let my life be like the rains
that germinates the seed.

Father, let me serve you well
By serving those you love.
And let my life reflect the grace
of my Savior King above.

Help me understand your plan,
and give my life true aim.
Make me worthy to bear this cross
in my Holy Savior's name.


Posted on 08/18/2003
Copyright © 2024 Brian Francis

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Max Bouillet on 08/18/03 at 06:17 PM

Uplifting prayer that really makes an inspirational statement.

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