
as long as you're still breathing

by Olivia Weinkein

keep breathing
i'm beginning to find myself
within the rise and fall of your chest.

everytime you inhale i fall in love.
and everytime you exhale i fall in love


Posted on 08/16/2003
Copyright © 2024 Olivia Weinkein

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Erin Werle on 08/17/03 at 12:25 AM

This is astounding. So emotive, and not-drawn-out. The simplicity itself makes it gorgeous, and the wording simply multiplies everything.

Posted by Jolie Jordan on 08/20/03 at 10:09 PM

Ah.. this is nice. I like it. short, sweet, and all that good stuff.

Posted by Michele Schottelkorb on 03/25/04 at 09:13 AM

"find myself within the rise and fall of your chest."... this line is beautiful... congrats on POTD... blessings...

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 07/02/05 at 11:49 PM

Olivia, the simple intensity awakes my imagination so that I can put myself in the narrator's place. Breathe to live; breathe to love - a trip where nothing exists but the two of "us."

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