Constellation #1 by Ann LaurenI want to be your c on st e l l ation,
Your bright cluster of stars and
Your brightest muse.
I want to be the life you breath
And the life you need.
And the silence of the crashing
Correlates so deeply with my crashing
Will you crash with me?
Will you crash into me?
LOVE into the night of endless nothing
Breathing so deeply your breath and mine
Living so deeply your heart and mine
The sequins of your heart burn so brightly
That the kindness of your gestures
Amplified so lovingly in a brush of
your hand against mine.
So infinitely a moment of your hand against mine.
So infinitely the moment breathes life
to the moment that breathed life
into me.
04/19/2003 Author's Note: This was my first poem, and are currently lyrics to the first song I've written.
Posted on 08/15/2003 Copyright © 2025 Ann Lauren