yggdrasil (norse acrostic 1) by Emily G MyersYou wanted a portrait of worlds
Give and take portrayed
Gouged out of fixed stone
Did you ever think you'd find it?
Rapture in a single notion
A perfect engraving of reality
Silver and silent she waits
Illustrating who we are
Long stands the world tree 04/07/2003 Author's Note: Maybe only really nerdy kids'll get this - it's all about Norse mythology. My myth teacher's favorite part of said mythology is something known as the World Tree or Yggdrasil. The World Tree is existence. We are one level, one branch of the World Tree. Other levels are dwelling places for gods and giants. But Yggdrasil (the horse of Odin, or Ygg; because the tree bore him as a horse would) is more a mirror than anything else. And maybe would should take a look.
Posted on 08/13/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers