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Broken Wing

by Brian Francis

I watch the sun rise, and pass on overhead,
And I see the others flying south again.
I wish that I could go, but I'll stay here instead,
my broken wing and I fighting against the wind.

Winter is coming; the leaves are turning brown,
the nights are getting cooler, and darkness lingers on.
Low clouds on the horizon are telltale of the storm.
Whispers beckon in the wind coming from the north.

I feel it as it touches me, the cold, cold hands of fate.
I know that I can't get away, so I'll lay here and wait.
While on wings far overhead, the others pass me by,
Oh, how I want to join them, but my broken wing can't fly.

Cold rain falls upon my back; cold wind blows in my face.
Soon the numbness touches me, then soon the light will fade.
Then I will cast away this shell, its broken wing and all,
To start on a new journey, I will fly into the sun...


Posted on 07/31/2003
Copyright © 2024 Brian Francis

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