Saying Goodbye to a Perfect Love by Becca MortonSitting under the stars
Your hand linked with mine
Staring into your eyes
Trying to R E A L I Z E
It wont last F O R E V E R
So we can spend every waking moment
Knowing thats its true....
I'm in love with you
I'm to scared to let go
I'll never find someone like you
I'll never feel the same way again
Why does the C O M P A S S I O N have to end?
This comes from my heart
I'm not sure where to start...
So all I can do now...
Is live the truth....
I want you to know that....
I love you... 07/22/2003
Author's Note: This IS strait from my heart...and I won't say who its about or why I brought myself to actually post this....Wonderful Memories Perhaps... Ill figure it out later! Hope ya like it...
Posted on 07/22/2003 Copyright © 2025 Becca Morton