spirit lights by Indigo Tempestathe sickly sweet ill stench of cigarettes swims airborne from my fingertips to my tongue where i once thought it gone for good-- i was so naively wise then, as i now am the inverse.
you know, once a girl gets something turning, bubbling in that pretty little head, it's impossible and moreover despicable to make it stop until she's satisfied.
and if it is she who reverses her surrealism reverie she'll cry to you pitifully in an innocent's quest of absolution
forgive me father for i know not what i do
indeed. and she will run down a vision with her last gasp of atmosphere straight to the skies if you'd let her and you'll get letters, handwritten, from stardust. 07/11/2003 Posted on 07/19/2003 Copyright © 2025 Indigo Tempesta