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Last Place They'll Look

by Trisha De Gracia

Step back
one at a time
back to the wall
I find myself stopped
and watching.

Little girl's trying to fly
one arm stretched to the open sky
the other anchored firm to the ground
she weeps for lack of wings
knowing all too well they'll do no good
with a hand that won't let go.

Making his way through a fog
thick and engulfing his being
he can't seem to find what he's dropped
groping, hands and knees
searching for something not wanting to be found.

Heart reaching out
and finding only air
to slip between her palms
reaching again to find this time nothing
until she fills her hands herself.

Man, grown man
he's haunted by that which can't be changed
a past that looms on a sunny life
feel's he's the cloud in his daughter's world
no matter how sincere her words
"I love you Daddy, you're still my Daddy."

Mother holding on too tight
trying to keep the light in her eyes
empty pocketed, and knowing what it feels to be empty
really empty
except for the love that she holds all around her
the love which serves as her walls.

All she needs is to let Earth go.
All he needs is to find it in him.
All she needs is a love for herself.
All he needs is to release what's done.
All she needs is to see what she already has.

They all already have it
they're groping for the wrong thing,
and so can only find it
the real it
in themselves.

It's the last place they'll ever look,
and they know it.


Posted on 07/14/2003
Copyright © 2024 Trisha De Gracia

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