My Name Is Corrie by Madeline PestolesiI am not Madeline Pestolesi.
I like the name Madeline.
And Pestolesi is a family name.
My name is Corrie.
And I don't live in Hungary.
I lived there for a year.
I live in Alaska.
I have a shaved head.
I have a dog,
But she lives with my parents,
Not with me.
I have a best friend,
I have a car,
It's old, maroon, and doesn't run very well.
I have a roommate,
And we have 2 fighting fish
Named Knife and Spoon.
I eat a lot of eggs.
I like to watch Sex and the City
But I don't have HBO
So I buy the seasons on DVD when they come out.
I work at the University.
I go to school on the fall and spring.
I have pale skin
I have a sunburn.
I was born in California.
Unlike most Alaskans,
I love southern California.
I love Fiona Apple
Lauryn Hill,
And that Sade song,
"By Your Side."
I eat everything I can get my hands on
I'm growing a little belly.
I worry too much about my appearance.
But sometimes I don't worry at all
And wear pajamas to the store.
I have been to Argentina twice,
And 14 other countries.
I am an impulse shopper.
I make a really good cheesecake.
I have unreasonable crushes on people.
I spend a lot of time alone.
I love music.
I love to read.
I need money.
I barely make enough to live.
But I don't want to work more.
I'm always on time.
I have to pee. 07/10/2003 Posted on 07/09/2003 Copyright © 2025 Madeline Pestolesi