I am a Peace Pathfinder by Carl WalkerI am a peace pathfinder
but I don't (can't) tell anyone to follow me because those that are hurting can't hear my boast,
"I know the way to peace, follow me".
and those who are not hurting don't care to hear me plead,
"Oh, your heart would rejoice to lead some hurting soul to peace, let me share with you the way!".
the way is narrow and few find it
I am a peace pathfinder
my words burn within me but I must constrain my mouth
I am a hunter
the troubled are my prey
I seek out burdened souls, I stalk them in silence
at first I seek to lure them by listening, comforting,
(the bold truth is I would do ANYTHING
for a person to get this message: where to find peace;
because I am a peace pathfinder)
I listen intently to sorrows and complaints,
for this is their first clue that I might be a peace pathfinder
after a bit I share a little of my failings, a little of my story
It makes their heart sense (I hope, and I've seen) that....
I know how they feel
and they may begin to hope
and their ears may begin to be able to hear my desperate words of direction
Ah, but carefully here, not to many words
mostly listening, comforting, praying in my heart for wisdom, for annointing
(Dear God, please protect others from my well meaning but empty unhelpful advice)
like water to a man near dying of thirst,
the stronger one holding the canteen enforces discipline on his weaker friend,
"Not all at once", he tells him as he withdraws the canteen after a few gulps, "slowly, or it will make you sick".
I am a peace pathfinder
but I convince others of my trade
by showing just a bit of the path ahead
just a little bit, drawing them along, like leaving crumbs to lure a bird
I am a peace pathfinder
the truth is there is the best peace
and there is a lesser peace
the lessor peace is better than nothing but it gives me little satisfaction
the purpose of the lessor peace is a lure to win a soul to the greater peace
oh, how I wish I could convince people I am a peace pathfinder
it is so difficult
when I want to count how many times I clean up the kitchen
I want to count how many times I do it so I can say
"I do it most, you should do more"
I want to count how many favors I give
so I can put them in my bank and redeem them later
but this is not the way of a peace pathfinder
if I am to learn my trade
it is to learn to die
to die to caring how many favors are unreturned
to die to caring if people appreciate it when I am their peace pathfinder
to die to caring if when people find peace I get credit for it
the one goal
the one boast
I am nothing and count for nothing
I have peace when criticised, when taken advantage of, when plundered, when betrayed
I mean real peace, unshakable peace
for I am a peace finder
and to be a peace finder
is to be a peace pathfinder
07/07/2003 Author's Note: I am heavy into the Christian thing, but a person does not need to be a Christian or want to be a Christian for me to be a peace pathfinder for them. But, alas, it is only the lessor peace. But a lessor peace is a wonderful peace to one seeking peace. If you lack peace I'd love to hear your story. I want to demonstrate that, I really do care. God cares about you and wants to be real in your life. Part of God being real in my life is enabling me and annointing me to be a peace pathfinder.
Posted on 07/07/2003 Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Kate Demeree on 07/07/03 at 05:12 AM I very much liked reading this, and thank you. *smiling* sometimes poetry is like talking aloud isn't it? Lots of wisdome here. |
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 07/08/03 at 12:06 AM Remarkable. Amen! The peace maker[pathefinder] is the friend of God. |
Posted by Anne Engelen on 07/09/03 at 12:12 PM sigh...thank you for writing this! |