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Beware of Love! (The Poet's Hurdle)

by Trisha De Gracia

Beware of love!
It's a dangerous thing
I swear, take my word
you will see
love will turn all rational thought
to mush
and decay
what once was good poetry.
Well, ok, granted
love, in the form
of cute little stanzas
isn't always so bad,
but monotony tends
to fall on deaf ears
and love
true love
or lack there of
is an overdone subject
we subject ourselves to.
Those true poets
those few
that can make love shimmer
on words clear and bright
casting love in new light
I'll applaud all my life
for they can create
a most stunning reenactment
of common phenomena.
Beware of love!
It's the highest hurdle
in the world of the written word
one who can conquer this beast
with a pen
proves her might in verse,
weaves a most delicate death
for the droning of love
and it's concubines.
When one can do that
they may call themselves
a poet.


Author's Note: Love is so inspiring, and yet it's poetry is al the same. I hope to become the kind of poet that can make a glass of water come alive in verse.

Posted on 06/04/2003
Copyright © 2024 Trisha De Gracia

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Richard Vince on 06/04/03 at 09:58 PM

sometimes love poetry can be different from the cheesy norm, but not too often really. while i like to think that mine is different, i realise that it's probably different in the same way that many people make their love poetry different. a bit like alternative being another mainstream. alas, sometimes only conventional words can express love, because it's annoying like that.

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