#4 (A Good-Humored Regular) by Amanda J CobbThe old man comes striding in.
"Hello, young lady.
I was looking for Double-Ugly,
but I guess he's not here."
He flashes a smile.
Knowing he refers to my boss,
an old friend of his,
I grin back and reply
"He had to drive a customer home,
they're working on her car."
He gives me a suspicious look.
"It was a woman, was it?"
I grin again, and nod,
"I knew it! A woman!
If it'd been me,
I'd be walking home!"
We laugh and he starts to leave.
"Now you tell Old Ugly
that Bob Joseph stopped by
to compliment him on his hard work
and found him out flirting with the womenfolk!
See what he says to that.
He chuckles.
"You have a good day, young lady.
Don't let him work you too hard."
I promise to do as he says
and am still grinning after he's gone. 05/28/2003 Posted on 05/28/2003 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb