
#3 (Anonymous Nice Guy)

by Amanda J Cobb

He comes in every day,
around noon -
buys a pop
and stays to chat awhile.

He always asks if I'm working hard
and I usually say no
and it's usually true.

I know that he's around my age
and he goes to school around here, somewhere
and he works at some place
that requires a uniform -
he's always wearing one.

I know his dad sometimes drives his car
and that he lives 35 miles away...
in some direction.

I know that last night
he helped his friend move houses
and then couldn't fall asleep.
He tells me he hasn't slept since Sunday night.

I look at the calendar.
It's Wednesday.
I shake my head
and we smile at each other.
We've both had weeks like that before.

He leaves and starts to drive off,
but decides he needs gas
to make it those 35 miles home.
He pumps, pays, and I tell him
to take a nap.
He smiles and says he might,
but probably not.

I have no idea what his name is.


Posted on 05/28/2003
Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Cole Miller on 11/11/03 at 05:01 AM

huzzah, i too had someone like this... i learned his name was David... heh. you should ask him someday.

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