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unsettled dream

by William P Strucke

some things break the day
begat life, to hope and dream
but there is nothing, lying next to you
makes me feel whole to see inside
and tasting joy with dark clouds,
rain beating down, going up and
to laugh.

when gently I feel a kind heart,
here listening to you beat
your hand over mine, 
the smell of lilly on your lips.
I know time is but a child
as we are together, beaten and torn
and still laughing.

there's a pain tearing us apart
but much too slowly to grieve
we still hold each other tight
with light and thunder rolling by
we'll take a chance and stay
nearing everything a tear drops through
and being one tonight, I again rest my head
knowing at last -- we are in love.


Posted on 05/21/2003
Copyright © 2024 William P Strucke

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