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by William P Strucke

staring blankly at the wall
white underneath and covered in memories
watching and waiting for that perfect moment
to reflect undisturbed by random trivialities
decide upon future decisions -
if only I could force a temporal rift
and travel back to my past,
reorganize the wall.
paint a red, green, or blue background,
hang a golden star on top.
then I could sit here now, or not and succeed.
without knowing how, when, or why
place my life in future's hands
allow happiness in...
but time is not my friend
and I have no eager method,
so that moment never comes
and while I wait in eternity
life passes by crying fast
I do no see it, but nothing is as nothing does
and here sitting I remain, forever
staring blankly at the wall.


Posted on 05/19/2003
Copyright © 2024 William P Strucke

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