Lady Psy, The Unreciprocated Princess by Madeline PestolesiI don't know how to say it.
I don't know if I should.
Though I tried to stop it,
I tried to see the problems
Through the goodness
But now I'm 32,000 feet up,
Listening to Dido,
And tireder then the tiredest man in the world.
And rolling around my unstable cranium
The one thought:
"I think I love you."
Leave it to me to fall for the asexual guy.
You probably care more about your pillow.
I am going to have my name legally changed.
Instead of "Madeline Pestolesi"
I will be "Lady Psychotic."
And people will call me
"Lady Psy, the unreciprocated princess."
And when I die,
In some sudden and tragic way,
It will be splashed across the world.
"Lady Psy is gone!"
And my fatal flaw will be revealed:
I care too much.
05/10/2003 Posted on 05/12/2003 Copyright © 2025 Madeline Pestolesi