Definitions of Patriotism by Amanda J CobbTo follow blindly
where the high ones lead,
to accept as truth
anything they say
without questioning,
to call those who practice dissent
and freedom of speech traitors,
to be ignorant of issues
at play in the world
and in the houses of government,
and to conveniently ignore anything
that might put the high ones
at the level of those whose blood
they seem so willing to spill -
that is their definition of patriotism.
To question the reasons
of those in charge,
to practice the freedoms
we so treasure
and are supposedly fighting for,
to acknowledge that our government
is just as capable of atrocities
and hypocrisy,
to see that the enemies
are nothing less than
fellow human beings
whose blood runs just as red
and whose families grieve just as much,
and to love my country enough to save it,
even if that means from its government -
that is my definition of patriotism.
Which one are you? 05/11/2003 Posted on 05/11/2003 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb