vodka by Emily G Myersyour intellect is like vodka to me
every time we talk
I become drunk with understanding
I start to say things I normally wouldn't
I smile much more
and if I stood up
I'd probably fall back down
but from falling
I'd learn so many things
you'll have to drive me home
I can't drive well even without alcohol
I mutter something like this:
"hon, you know, love...
it's like cleaning the house...
and finding money and...
you're my quarter"
just shake your head
help me to the bed
and leave
locking the door as you go...
don't you know you give me such a wonderful hangover! 12/12/1999 Author's Note: the infamous... it was most certainly written for Simeon.
Posted on 04/28/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers