For shame! Now thou hast crept beneath my skin (Sonnet #2) by Amanda J CobbFor shame! Now thou hast crept beneath my skin;
No shaking of mine heart will loosen thee,
for, sneaking past mine eyes to creep within,
thou didst unknowing fill my heart with glee.
And thou hast set the stars alight to shine
with glittering appeal across the night
to 'mind me of the stars in eyes so fine
that do, from thou, look out with grand delight.
And oh, that smile, that took my breath away,
so painful in its beauty I didst die;
the laugh that turnst the drearest night to day
stays with me even when my woes run high.
All these combined, to me, are deathly sting;
I wouldst not give them up for anything. 04/21/2003 Author's Note: My second attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet...about a different kind of death this time.
Posted on 04/23/2003 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb