Hanging on to Karma by Madeline PestolesiIf I didn't believe
That in the end
Karma will give us all what we deserve
I would have had nothing to hold on to.
But while I got over this,
And will go on to live a good life,
You have forever
To contemplate your actions
And maybe you wake up nights
Gasping with the guilt
of your behavior.
I however,
have learned from this,
and take from it more strength than I had before,
While all you got
Was a new empty relationship
With a new empty girl.
So I guess the joke's on you.
04/16/2003 Author's Note: This was my application poem, I don't really know if I like it, but it might just be that I read it so many times that it lost its meaning.
Posted on 04/16/2003 Copyright © 2025 Madeline Pestolesi