and to think i wished for Spring by Olivia Weinkeinspring said she doesn't give a shit
if my flowers find a way to grow
or not
and that the distance you have left
me with is just a wrong turn i didn't
take. she says she likes to call it as she
sees it but lately it hasn't been worth it
to look my way. she said heartache doesn't
kill people. slippery roads and taking
chances does. she said the best thing to do
is hold on tight. i tried but my hold was
(is) never hard enough. spring has said
alot of things and now she is no longer
my friend. and i can cast off friends just as
well as i can cast of seasons: with little
explanation but an ass full of reasons
she will never know. and here's one more
"i told you so" just for the road. just
to let her know that i know that she knows
that you don't miss me
04/06/2003 Author's Note: honestly, i don't hate spring..but we're not talking right now :)
Posted on 04/07/2003 Copyright © 2025 Olivia Weinkein