
Say Hello to this Gentle Man

by Thomas K. Hunt

The time is with us once again
To say goodbye to this gentle man
The flesh and blood that brought us here
Our hearts are heavy full of fear

We need to remember it's only our pain
For he is ready to live again
He's seen it all in his years
The joys, the laughter, and the tears
The loss of a son
The loss of his wife
The loss of his friends throughout his life

Through it all, he's been our rock
A loving shepherd of his flock
Eyes so wise that no longer see
A mind so sharp and always free
Free to choose his path in life
that now will lead him to his wife

I've learned so much from this man
He lives in me
He's what I am
For I will grieve as will you all
For the loss is great
but not our call

He still lives in all our minds
Fills our hearts with thoughts of kind
There'll be a day we meet again
We'll say hello to this gentle man


Author's Note: My Grandfather lived to be 99 years old. He was the kindest and most gentle man I'll ever know.

Posted on 04/02/2003
Copyright © 2024 Thomas K. Hunt

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Richard D Frederick on 04/03/03 at 10:55 PM

a wonderful farewell, though i think it could do with a few breaks, maybe, instead of one long stanza. but i think that's more of an individual style issue than anything else. a good read!

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