A Dragon's Tail

by Kalikala Smith

In the beast the quagmire shook and
thumped against his hands.
"Arise," said he who's power filled the
country and the lands.
The maiden shook, with trembling eyes she
wept her tears of shame.
The the beast he took one look and
screamed the maiden's name.
"Among you all who know this thing," this
wretched beast did blast,
"You shake in fear you ghastly girl,
behold I show her cast!"
The crowd did gasp at such the sight
the maiden did portray,
for upon her face there was a slash.
It would not go away.
"I found her huddled in her room,
she would not show her face.
No wonder she did run from me,
just look at this disgrace!"
The evil crowd did laugh and scorn
at this young maiden's fate.
But if they'd known who this girl was...
yet it was much too late.
Far away, a thousand miles,
a dragon threw his flame.
It swirled and dove and leapt about
this dragon was not tamed,
but only by the sisters three
who claimed him at his birth.
This dragon was so mighty strong
no one could say his worth.
To have tamed a dragon was a feat
for mighty men around,
and none had ever accomplished this.
They were ashes in the ground.
Of course this maiden had a plan that
in her mind it stood,
her dragon would come rescue her.
He had to come, he would.
This evil beast had captured her
and put her working slave,
and although the beast would yell at her,
she always did behave.
She never said a word about herself
or her dark past,
but now now she knew she needed to speak,
her words did come at last.
"This slash upon my face," she said,
"did come from a wicked source.
But if I should reveal this horrid man,
I'd sure disrupt his course."
The beast did ponder on her word,
his pride before her game.
He wanted to fall down and scream,
"Have I just lost my fame?"
For this beast knew that slash did come
from his own filthy hand,
and if the crowd got wind of this,
they'd throw him out of the land.
So quagmire shook and beat upon
the lump that was his brain,
"Alas fair maid, what do you say?
You must not speak in vain."
Our maiden began to smile a bit,
her eyes aglow with flame,
"You must know, dear sir I say,
that this is not a game."
With that the beast did tremble shake
and the crowd did quake with fear,
for the maiden did transform and say
"The time is coming near."
The tears she shed did burn her flesh
and she cried out in pain.
In the midst of horror
did the crowd produce a chain.
"Kill her!" said the mobbed crowd
but it was much too late,
for scaly scales and wings and flame
had begun to seal her fate.
She grew and grew three times her size
and three times more again.
She towered over beast and crowd
with lizard lips and pain.
Three times she scorched the beast with flame
and ashes did he fall.
The crowd did scream and ran to flee
but she did not want them all,
just the ones who laughed at her,
who dismissed her unknown life,
for if they knew the secret that
had brought her so much strife,
they'd count their blessings every night,
be so very pleased,
that they did not tame a dragon,
the glory is a tease.
'Cause when you tame a dragon see,
you become one too,
so watch out for the eyes of flames,
he'll be sure to enslave you!


Posted on 03/24/2003
Copyright © 2024 Kalikala Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Cymbre Dolphay on 04/02/03 at 04:53 AM

You don't happen to have a lute and lyre under your bed do you? Great story...I enjoyed it.

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