TeLL YOuR GiRlFrieNdS (*)
by Manas MokshaGrave men in time of flight
fall weary to venus
gift rapped in red
In a mountain wind that
brings laughter to a school of swallow
a delusion of lust
and a forgotten drum
bring turblulence to our flight
Better tell your girlfriends
we will rave at will
in a madhouse of our meeting
Better tell your girlfriends
recount the dumb wonder
your mother gave fair warning
Better tell your girlfriends
our tongues twist in sublingual irony
spring tears absent minded of our fears
The pristine breeze clamours to open skin
It coats in a waxy film
and it builds up in clumps
waiting for the muscled wind
An arborization of limbs
in a hollowed womb
better tell your girlfriends
to help dissolve our sin