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by Manas Moksha

If I told you my heart felt heavy
would it matter?
If you hurt inside
because someone forgot to listen
would anyone rise and hold you tight?
would you care if your neighbor forgot your last name?
did you remember your sister's birthday this year?
did she even get a card?
Does it really matter what he thinks
or what she does?
did she have expectations of you
did you give a shit?
Is it you who is being unfair?

The down is soft
have you lied down it it and closed your eyes?
has someone's touch given you warmth
that surged through and filled your body?
did you touch back?

when you layed there did you feel them across the room?
or across the ocean, down the river,
down the street, on the other side of town?

as they neared anihilation
their sober body naked
layed still in a pool of reflection

would you recognize your love
if it passed you in the hall?

maybe if it affects you
and the air you must breathe

the night folds its layers
thick with darkness
as you tire
and your eyes grow weary from

Have you realized that you reacted irrational?
that you let simple irritation plant its seed
sown into fragile emotion
have you forgotten about the sun?
it is shining today

Do you need the time for your self to grow
before the trees of anger have forested and nurtured
the poison fruit of change

But with each bite, you come closer to the last
and with the last, you swallow the same seed
the seed of irritability that has planted itself


does the anger rise like foam on your late'?
have you forgotten about the moon?
it is large and luminous on the horizon this evening



Posted on 03/22/2003
Copyright © 2025 Manas Moksha

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