
A Flemish Limerick

by Anne Engelen

Ergens in Virginia is het geweten
Daar woont Dan en die kan eten
Geloof me, het is uniek
Zijn zuchtjes en kreetjes klinken als muziek
Wie hem gehoord heeft, zal het nooit vergeten

translation: (it's not a limmie in english)
Somewhere in Virginia it is known
there lives Dan, and he can eat
believe me, it's unique
his little sighs and cries sound like music
who has heard him, shall never forget


Posted on 03/19/2003
Copyright © 2024 Anne Engelen

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charles J Hannan on 04/02/03 at 07:40 AM

hehe...a great little limerick, Anne...I love it when you speak Flemish...MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

Posted by Don Coffman on 08/31/03 at 07:22 AM

It's interesting to get to see the language in printed poetry like this. Quite neato. :)

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 05/25/04 at 01:53 AM

So clever! It is a wonderful gift to be able to write in two languages so well! Du bist sehr gut!(To slay a little German! LOL!)

Posted by Joe Cramer on 03/14/06 at 02:09 PM

I enjoy your Limericks tremendously.... well done!

Posted by Mo Couts on 07/05/11 at 04:04 AM


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