If there is a war tommorow by Lisa-Dawn SparlingSick,
Nauseous feeling in my stomach.
How many women will be scared to tuck in their children tonight?
If they have a bed,
If they have a blanket.
How do you explain to a child,
To watch out for the bombs,
To hide from the soldiers?
All parenting teaches you to not hit your child,
If you are teaching them not to hit.
They are using weapons, to teach them to not use weapons?
If they have nuclear weapons,
If they are plotting attacks,
What do they have to lose after the first punch is thrown?
Im sorry to all the children who will grow up in fear,
Im sorry to all the children who will lose their fathers and brothers,
Im sorry so all the innocent people who will live in confusion.
If I dont like you, If I dont trust you,
If I think you are hiding something from me,
Do I destroy the lives of all your neighbors and your friends?
Maybe I am just naive, to think that they can handle this differently,
Maybe I value the lives to much of people in a country that I may never know
Maybe school yard bullies grown up to be politicians.
03/18/2003 Author's Note: I just feel so bad for the Iraqi people who have to deal with this. Even if liberation is established I am sure that they will still live in fear for a long time.
Posted on 03/19/2003 Copyright © 2025 Lisa-Dawn Sparling