katrina by Emily G MyersI wasn't one to celebrate her
the worst kind of femininity
she's the dark in us all
because she's
. . .
. . .
but that's not why
she was an
she was a girlfriend too
he... HE I celebrated
- the most gentle
& beautiful
angelic boy -
she put his heart in a briefcase across the room
I wanted to be what
for him
but she never let me
I don't know where she is now
but I won't hope she's hurting
she was just trying
to keep
the beauty
she'd stumbled across 03/18/2003 Author's Note: *sigh* I don't know where to begin. We tried on several occasions to be friends... but I just didn't like her enough for that to work. The boy she dated, Brandon... he was... perfect, I think. Except that he dated her. But she treated him terribly. I think I decided to write about her because I never said this would be easy or fun. The plan was just to discover and organize the women who've influenced me. And Katrina did influence me. She proved all my theories about the evils of girls. She set me back, basically.
Posted on 03/19/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers