jessica by Emily G Myersmy first real party
complete with
or so I thought
ended up 8 girls
me in a dress
but she thought I looked pretty
rubbed my face
checking for make up
gasping when she found none
I was younger
by 2 years
but she didn't care
laughed with me all the same
she wanted to be T-Boz
big eyes
she did wear make up
a small C cup
she asked me to contribute to
her hope(less) chest
but she never really
n e e d e d
she was better on her own 03/18/2003 Author's Note: I wasn't friends with her for very long my sixth grade year... I really only have two distinct memories of her. She invited me to what I thought was going to be my first boy/girl/dancing party-type-thing. It ended up being me and her and like six other girls eating pizza and listening to The Cranberries. My dress looked really silly - she let me borrow some pants. The other was her rubbing my face to check for make up. I'd only met her maybe once. She just came up to me and did it. It was a strange event. Those two memories seem to exude girl issues, and really make me think about my motives concerning boys and my attitudes towards changing my physical appearance. Hm.
Posted on 03/19/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers