Dance on My Brain by Deanna M GritsonisThe shine
Half dimmed light
The fan creating
Florescent buzzing effect
At this moment
I pull my head back and
The restaurant goes silent
My covers blown
Yes, I am a head case
But out of my tangent in my head,
I just smoke this cigarette
And let my leg shake the shit out
I wonder if my Tums will cure my schizoid
Or my urge to spit in your face
As your clock ticks
You write crazy in my file
Now that is why I do not show up
My Friday 9 a.m. vent session
Guaranteed to cure you
In one hour or less
I feel like a roll of film
Developed for a dollar fifty more
Express film one hour
Couldnt wait a day?
Your porn
Your wife
I am in a red teddy
Sucking your cock
And you just wont cum
My jaw hurts
From your tiny cock
No, I dont think so
Its from the guy two hours earlier
He was bigger
I only partially faked it
To get him out of my dry pussy
Bored might as well
The classic shock
Bite the lips
Just get the fuck off me
As the doctors stick the tubes in
Sew my semi-suicide up
Pump my stomach dry
Rid me of the acid and Xanax
Get out of my head.
03/17/2003 Author's Note: I know I will lose the paper this was written on, so I am posting it. I am not sure if it's done yet. Nope, but here it is so far. Any ideas let me know
Posted on 03/17/2003 Copyright © 2025 Deanna M Gritsonis