
Like the tree

by Lisa-Dawn Sparling

I was not ready when I lost you. I just took the pain and buried it inside and tried to carry on.

I would stand in the shower and cry and cry until my tears were dry. The world seemed so empty without you.

Each year you are gone I have grieved for you differently. The shock, the anger, the loneliness passed like seasons.

Now I am ready to put a little closure on the reality of what has happened.

I plant this tree for you so that you know that I still miss you and adore you and that you will always be remembered,

And I plant this tree for me so I can say goodbye to the hard parts of losing you and embrace only the memories of having you.

When I plant this tree I will bury the pain under the soil deep so I do not have to carry it-

And I will stand tall like the tree even in the wind and the rains -I know that it will make me stronger.

You will anchor me like you always have, my strength, my roots.

This tree is a healing, a remembrance, a symbol, a goodbye and soft kiss in the wind.

I was not ready when I lost you but today I am ready to say goodbye to the sadness and rejoice in your life.


Posted on 03/16/2003
Copyright © 2025 Lisa-Dawn Sparling

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Indigo Tempesta on 03/17/03 at 02:11 AM

beautiful. -indi

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 01/16/07 at 09:16 AM

Loss. Something as humans we feel more than all the other creatures of the world. You express it so well here and the more I read the more I now want to read of your heart and soul. Keep it up and let your love flow! I have no idea who or what you are like, but I hear a heart beating for the world. Excellent imagery and resolution to loss.

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