
Whispers will sound for WAR

by Gabrielle L Gervais

Head to toe, hand in hand we sit
Those places whisper dust dead
in my ear.

Kill them, those masked people
The people with the bloodthirsty house
greedy lips.

Kill them, they are quiet.
And like the rest of us, feel a need to shield themselves from
the world-
ready to suck away the fingerprints of knowing
The world of ours that feeds
to the flash camera
of soul judgment.
Those shielded people, those lucky people.

our electoral- clinging “father,” in an Oedipal rage of hate,
Of pride.
Stabbed out our eyes
To truth.
He divided our people.
The angry ones,
became thirsty
Surviving on pride and possession.
The rest, we traced the place where our eyes were.
And wept for the blindness of our sisters
And prayed for light.

Ugly father- your hands will be blackened
By the crusted blood of the earth.
And you will send us-
Your toe-tagged lovers,
with an eagerness to spread blood on our hands.
And we will make believe we don’t love.
And we will kill for you.
But the blood will be spread across your lips.

“Kill them, Kill your brothers.”
Ugly father- we don’t listen
To your fading heat.
Us, who see,
We will stand with our masked brothers
Our father is bloodthirsty too.
If we kill them, we kill our people,
We kill ourselves.

And we will kill no more.
And we will dance
You will fall
Through vanity
you will fail
And we will live
Hand in hand.

The ones who see
Us! Free!
We will stand
And we will take the gutter- water from under your boats
And the air from under your wings
The shoes from your feet.

Maybe then, when it’s sifting under you,
You will feel the earth, feel the truth of power.


Posted on 03/08/2003
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

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