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A story (# 1. in a series) "Fixing the roof with prayer alone"

by Carl Walker

This is a true story.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, maybe it was; I'll tell the story and you decide. I thought I could trade my work for prayer. I mean I thought I could do the work without asking to be paid other than they'd pray that God would arrange to pay me. Does that make sense?

May I say this is not about asking you, or any one else, for money. My request is that if you read this you don't give money toward this cause. I'm excited about seeing what God will do through prayer alone. That's what I've said when I share this story; this is not about giving money, don't give money for the roof; pray if you will.

So let me see if I can explain how I got here. I am a flat roof repairman; that's the way I earn a living. I also want to live like a Christian. Fixing a leak in a flat roof can be quite a puzzle. I usually promise my clients that I won't ask them to pay me until the leak is fixed. Sometimes it takes numerous attempts to stop a leak. Often God hears me pray as I walk around on top of a roof after several unsuccessful trips to fix a leak, "Lord, the rule is the water comes from the top and goes to the bottom; so there must be a hole here somewhere but I can't seem to find it, now what? I've done everything I can figure out and it still leaks." I think people would laugh if they could see me with such a befuzzulled look on my face, walking back and forth across the roof talking into the air. There are lots of flat roofs and lots of them leak; and, well, I have been able to fix enough of them to stay in business anyway.

Being on roofs gives me a unique perspective. I can look around and see the other roofs. I make it a point to check out adjacent roofs and identify the ones that might leak. Then, of course, I leave my business card with the owners. Sometimes I see a roof and I am sure it must leak because of the condition its in; that's what happened here. I was fixing a leak in the Mexican restaurant and two roofs over I saw what looked like job security to me; flat and in trouble. After completing my work I strapped the ladder to the top of my van and followed my routine. I went to visit what I hoped was my next big score.

Yes, the clerk told me they did have leaks and pointed out the manager. But this was not a well funded commercial enterprise. This was part of a volunteer organization that served children, orphan children; and they had no money for roof repair. The manager showed me a five gallon jug with a sign asking for donations for fixing the roof. The jug was mostly empty. So I politely, uhh... left, uhh......... without leaving a donation.

A few days later I was on another "problem" roof; walking back and forth, scratching my head, talking into the air with a characteristic befuzzulled look on my face. I could get paid on this one if I could just figure out how............. to............. stop........... the............ leak. So I began to pray. I didn't hear any voices but it was like God said to me, "Michael, do you trust me to show you the solution to this problem?" Sure I did, I trusted Him because He'd shown me over and over again the solution to difficult roof problems. Then it was like He asked me, "Michael, do you have faith to believe I can use prayer, alone, to supply money?" Wow, here's a totally new concept. And in my mind I could see that nearly empty jug. I had been asking God to supply their need. I had prayed, "God, please meet their need." But the truth is I was feeling sort of empty about believing God could use my prayer as a resource for meeting that need. I had even confessed, "Lord, I have no faith to believe you could meet that need." It was like He said to me, "No faith, Michael, you have no faith to believe I could meet that need?" I hung my head, "No sir, I just feel like I have no faith at all." "Well," I could almost hear Him say, "you're talking to me, that shows some faith. Michael, how much faith did I say you had to have?" I felt a huge flood of relief, all the faith He said I had to have was like a little mustard seed. If I had a little bitty bit of faith He could use it. "OK," I told Him, "here is my little bitty bit of faith, what do you want me to do." This was starting to be fun. I felt challenged by God, if I could be their provision for the roof could I believe God would supply the provision for my needs through prayer.

I went to see the manager and told her I would repair the roof if she would agree to pray that God would supply my need. She suggested I could have the donations to pay for materials, which was kind of her. But I asked her not to pay me at all, or ask anyone else to pay me either. I think it will be fun to see what God will do through prayer alone, and I have no idea how He's going to do it.

The manager told me that my idea was an answer to prayer already, which was a blessing. I was on the roof Friday (2/28/03) beginning a daunting task. After I worked for awhile my cell phone rang, a business owner with multiple leaks wanted me to look at his roof. I felt that was a partial answer to prayer. God could easily send me prosperous work which would more than pay for the repairs on the "prayer roof". It would sorta be like advertising. But somehow I feel this will be more and different than that; I'm also praying to recruit some other volunteer roofers for this project too.

So this is a work in progress. If you would like to hear how this turns out give me your address or e-mail address and I will let you know. Please let me know if you would pray that God demonstrate Himself in meeting this need without anyone asking for or accepting donations. If we are going to depend on prayer alone we'll need, well; we'll need prayer.


Author's Note: I am coming to understand that God cares for me and wants to be real; really, really, real in my life

Posted on 03/01/2003
Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 03/03/03 at 01:26 AM

Amazing story! Amazing faith! Amazing God! Put me down as a prayer. A definite work of faith. WOW! Sounds exciting! qscling@earthlink.net Awaiting to hear the Amazing results! :)

Posted by Thomas K. Hunt on 04/05/03 at 09:40 PM

wonderful, wonderful story....

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