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Sadness Moves In

by Charles M Harrison

Sadness has settled into my heart
it is comfortable there and will not depart.
It has put down it's roots and set up it's home
it will not leave though I want it gone.
With each beat of my heart it tarries longer
and it's claim on this new abode grows stronger.
It has picked out curtains and painted the walls
and it's footsteps echo through the halls.
It has started a garden of despair and sorrow
and waters it with my tears when they flow.
It has furnished my heart with worry and doubt
and placed my insecurities all about.
It has pulled down the shades and locked the door
so sunshine and happiness will return no more.
It has tossed all joy upon the trash heap
and decided this home it will forever keep.


Posted on 02/24/2003
Copyright © 2024 Charles M Harrison

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by David R Spellman on 02/25/03 at 06:00 PM

Very sad but framed in such an excellent form. Very well written. Cheer up!

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