Domination by Britt ZimmermanI am hanging on the cliffs of your words
Fingers throbbing
Feeling the dirt break away from beneath them
Blinking away the stinging sand that blurs my sight
Waiting for something...
That will push the clouds beneath my feet again
That will suspend my emotion
and fly me high above all of this
This pain,
This black hole inside
spinning and churning like your ocean eyes
I want to be calm again
like the white of your teeth when you smile
Steady, like the ground in your mind
But I am storm and fire
Chaos and florescence
Like hummingbird wings
and the buzzing that accompanies
I am mistaken, mislead
and letting the ground give way
Feeling my heart, my grasp
slipping deep into the atmospheres
of your mind 02/17/2003 Posted on 02/18/2003 Copyright © 2025 Britt Zimmerman
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by JD Clay on 02/23/03 at 01:32 AM Wow! Nothing short of slavery Britt. Your powerful verse has captured the all too real objective of many would be control freaks. Nice work.
Peace... |
Posted by Ashok Sharda on 03/09/03 at 06:49 PM You have summed up the situation nicely in the following words-'slipping deep into the atmospheres of your mind'. Is it the intensity of the vibrations or is it the reinforced association?