
writing my licorice phrasings along the inside

by Gabrielle L Gervais

i write my licorice phrasings along the inside of your mouth.
with a satisfaction that saffron-sweetens it all.
and i write for you
so you can tongue the words and speak.
breathe it in
so you can understand with me
this world that clambers up mountains and falls down hills.
so you can help me hear the words of god
filtering through the sunshine
so i can hold you-
show you that the words are sunshine
and that what i place in your palm
is the sun itself.
fire and flame
heat and hot
and it hurts
yes, it burns-
but it feels- and feeling is worth it.


Posted on 02/17/2003
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by David R Spellman on 02/18/03 at 08:09 PM

Indeed feeling is worth it and you make us do so with this wonderful writing!

Posted by Maryellen Lebeda-Parra on 04/07/03 at 10:08 PM

there is so much that i like about this ... but the word licorice alone made me happy ... don't know why ... i don't even particularly like licorice. great read.

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