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A Letter Left Unsent

by Britt Zimmerman

Sometimes I still think about you
That little boy smile (slash) devilish grin
your innocence like little house on the prairie
I wondered where you could have possibly come from
and now i wonder what exactly happened to that person

Lately you have become a cold november breeze
that blows right by me
slightly ruffling my feathers in a not so nice way

It seems as if I went from woman of your dreams
to casual aquaintance status
in the bat of your groupie girls eyelashes

and I am left in the shadows
with memories as my flashlight
and casual glances
that feed the embers
but never really ignite the fire


Posted on 02/16/2003
Copyright © 2024 Britt Zimmerman

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Morgan D Hafele on 03/12/03 at 08:33 PM

i've been on both sides, except rather than woman, boy, seems the worst of things always bring out the best in poets... odd isn't it?

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 04/08/03 at 03:19 PM

...unsent??? yeah, but not un-meant. you snapped a pic of many, many lovers' needs ... good work. chaz

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