
Placed on the Mantle: a reluctant follow-up

by Gabrielle L Gervais

I pretended that I was looking into a mirror. And I looked at myself. And I saw sadness… and loneliness and adolescent skin and sleepless eyes. I saw the stringy hair that I had forgotten about. Venus washed away. Was I seeing myself as the person I didn’t want you to see? Or was I seeing who I wish I was? Or who I thought I was? Or who I am?

Cause now I’m sitting here. for real. no metaphor intended. sitting here staring at myself. Who is that? I see eyes with fear. eyes that don’t want to lose anymore. eyes that haven’t lost much at all. lucky eyes. eyes that echo the sea. eyes that whisper. With flushed cheekbones, I whisper secrets. You don’t need to care what they are. I whisper them for myself. It’s too bad I don’t listen. And, like the sirens, I confuse the only ones that hear.


Posted on 02/15/2003
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by David R Spellman on 02/17/03 at 03:06 PM

An excellent introspective piece, reflecting both some negative and positive impressions. I loved the whole whispered secrets/sirens references here.

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